138 Business A Level Paper 2 Topical Past paper


Book Code : 138
Subject Code : 9609
Author : Editorial Board
Updated Till : May/June 2019
Publishers : Read and Write Publications
Categories: , ,


138 Business A Level Paper 2 Topical Past paper

TABLE OF CONTENTS A Level Business Paper
1.1: Enterprise
1.2: Business Structure
1.3: Size of Business
1.4: Business Objectives
1.5: Stakeholders in a Business
2.1: Management and leadership
2.2: Motivation
2.3: Human Resource Management
3.1: What is marketing?
3.2: Market Research
3.3: The marketing mix
4.1: The Nature of Operation
4.2: Operations Planning
4.3: Inventory Management
5.1: Sources of finance
5.2: Costs
5.3: Accounting fundamentals
5.4: Forecasting cash flows and managing working capital
O/N 08/P02/Q1 (Paperclips)
O/N 08/P02/Q2 (CC Cosmetics)
M/J 08/P02/Q1 (East Farm Wildlife Park)
M/J 08/P02/Q2 (Ganmor Cars)
O/N 09/P22/Q1 (Phonequip)
O/N 09/P22/Q2 (Pedro’s Fish (PF)
O/N 09/P21/Q1 (Mediquip)
O/N 09/P21/Q2 (Joe’s World)
M/J 09/P22/Q1 (Bob’s Band)
M/J 09/P22/Q2 (Cheapo Air)
M/J 09/P21/Q1 (Jane’s Book)
M/J 09/P22/Q2 (Cheapo Air)
O/N 10/P22/Q1 (Big Boxes)
O/N 10/P22/Q2 (Newtown Hospital)
O/N 10/P21/Q1 (Big Bags)
O/N 10/P21/Q2 (Newton College)
O/N 10/P23/Q1 (Big Bottles)
O/N 10/P23/Q2 (Newtown University)
M/J 10/P22/Q1 (Sassy Suits)
M/J 10/P22/Q2 (Sheep Stew)
M/J 10/P21/Q1 (Taylor’s Tables)
M/J 10/P21/Q2 (Fruity Surprises)
M/J 10/P23/Q1 (Classy Clocks)
M/J 10/P23/Q2 (Vegetable Soup)
O/N 11/P22/Q1 (Kidz)
O/N 11/P22/Q2 (Rex Cinema)
O/N 11/P21/Q1 (Now)
O/N 11/P21/Q2 (Newtown Arts Centre)
O/N 11/P23/Q1 (Suave)
O/N 11/P23/Q2 (The Dreambox Theatre)
M/J 11/P22/Q1 (Turbo Tractors (TT)
M/J 11/P22/Q2 (McQuarry (MQ)
M/J 11/P21/Q1 (Loader Lorries (LL))
M/J 11/P21/Q2 (United Coal)
M/J 11/P23/Q1 (Quality Coaches (QC)
M/J 11/P23/Q2 (Eldorado Gold (EG))
O/N 12/P22/Q1 (BizBank (BB))
O/N 12/P22/Q2 (King Kites (KK))
O/N 12/P21/Q1 (Tiger Skateboards (TS))
O/N 12/P21/Q2 (Bestmove partnership (BM))
O/N 12/P23/Q1 (Fastship (FS))
O/N 12/P23/Q2 (Junior Games (JG))
M/J 12/P22/Q1 (Bright Air Conditioning (BAC))
M/J 12/P22/Q2 (Largetown Football Club (LFC))
M/J 12/P21/Q1 (Advanced Control Systems (ACS))
M/J 12/P21/Q2 (Eagle Golf Club (EGC))
M/J 12/P23/Q1 (Turboprop (TP))
M/J 12/P23/Q2 (Deucetown Sports Club (DSC))
O/N 13/P22/Q1 (Fizzy Drinks (FD))
O/N 13/P22/Q2 (School Sports Shops (SSS))
O/N 13/P21/Q1 (Clare’s Clothes (CC))
O/N 13/P21/Q2 (Freshly Frozen (FF))
O/N 13/P23/Q1 (Charlie’s Chocolates (CC))
O/N 13/P23/Q2 (George’s Gym (GG))
M/J 13/P22/Q1 (Regal Restaurant (RR))
M/J 13/P22/Q2 (Trendy Paints (TP))
M/J 13/P21/Q1 (The Harbour Hotel (HH))
M/J 13/P21/Q2 (Bright Glass (BG))
M/J 13/P23/Q1 (Coffee Paradise (CP))
M/J 13/P23/Q2 (Cando eCables (CeC))
O/N 14/P22/Q1 (Best Bakery (BB))
O/N 14/P22/Q2 (Helping The Children (HTC))
O/N 14/P21/Q1 (Classic Cars (CC))
O/N 14/P21/Q2 (Blooming Flowers (BF))
O/N 14/P23/Q1 (Classic Clothes (CC))
O/N 14/P23/Q2 (Fine Furniture (FF))
M/J 14/P22/Q1 (Let’s Make Music (LM))
M/J 14/P22/Q2 (Great Gifts (GG))
M/J 14/P21/Q1 (Super View (SV))
M/J 14/P21/Q2 (Top Quality Supermarkets (TQ))
M/J 14/P23/Q1 (Pippa’s Shop (PS))
M/J 14/P23/Q2 (Enterprise Energy (EE))
O/N 15/P22/Q1 (Popular Presents (PP))
O/N 15/P22/Q2 (Kitchen Quality Appliances (KQA))
O/N 15/P21/Q1 (Pet Care (PC))
O/N 15/P21/Q2 (Cooper Manufacturing (CM))
O/N 15/P23/Q1 (Classic Cushions (CC))
O/N 15/P23/Q2 (Wonderful Windows (WW))
M/J 15/P22/Q1 (Easy Television (ET))
M/J 15/P22/Q2 (Affordable Builders (AB))
M/J 15/P21/Q1 (Best Books (BB))
M/J 15/P21/Q2 (Tangerine Tablets (TT))
M/J 15/P23/Q1 (Enterprise Electricals (EE))
M/J 15/P23/Q2 (Frank’s Farm (FF))
O/N 16/P22/Q1 (Pampered Pets (PP))
O/N 16/P22/Q2 (Fire Fly Ebooks (FFE))
O/N 16/P21/Q1 (Barbeque House (BH))
O/N 16/P21/Q2 (Software Creations (SC))
O/N 16/P23/Q1 (Exam Success (ES))
O/N 16/P23/Q2 (Yondis Phones (YP))
M/J 16/P22/Q1 (Scented Candles (SC))
M/J 16/P22/Q2 (Mackintosh Shoes (MS))
M/J 16/P21/Q1 (Peterson Manufacturing (PM))
M/J 16/P21/Q2 (Prestige Jewellery (PJ))
M/J 16/P23/Q1 (Sailing Shop (SS))
M/J 16/P23/Q2 (Car Components (CC))
March 16/P22/Q1 (Lovell’s Jewellery (LJ))
March 16/P22/Q2 (Fruit Fusions (FF))
O/N 17/P22/Q1 (Occasion Cards (OC))
O/N 17/P22/Q2 (Nearly New (NN))
O/N 17/P21/Q1 (Rugged Back Packs (RBP))
O/N 17/P21/Q2 (Car Wash (CW))
O/N 17/P23/Q1 (Jones Sticky Labels (JS))
O/N 17/P23/Q2 (Perfik Plumbing (PP))
M/J 17/P22/Q1 (Perfect Pizza (PP))
M/J 17/P22/Q2 (Quality Leather (QL))
M/J 17/P21/Q1 (Magical Mirrors (MM))
M/J 17/P21/Q2 (Security Alarms (SA))
M/J 17/P23/Q1 (Designer Clothing (DC))
M/J 17/P23/Q2 (Budding Gardens (BG))
Mar 17/P22/Q1 (Gourmet Ices (GI))
Mar 17/P22/Q2 (Clean and Tidy (CT))
M/J 18/P22/Q1 (Online Travel (OT))
M/J 18/P22/Q2 (Umpire Umbrellas (UU))
M/J 18/P21/Q1 (Clifford’s Supermarkets (CS))
M/J 18/P21/Q2 (Veg Cans (VC))
M/J 18/P23/Q1 (Delivery To You (DTY))
M/J 18/P23/Q2 (Pencil Pushers (PP))
March 18/P22/Q1 (Paul’s Clothes (PC))
March 18/P22/Q2 (Luxury Carpets (LC))
A Level Business Paper


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