377 Mathematics A Level Paper-1 Topical Worked Solutions (Solved Past Papers)


Book Code : 377
Subject Code : 9709
Author : Riaz Taunsvi
Language : May/June 2022
Publishers : Read and Write Publications


Solved past papers

Solved Past Papers are of great importance among the students nowadays because they give the real picture of the pattern of exams. The students get an idea of all the important topics of the subject from exam perspective. The  solved past papers give students confidence and get them to know lot of things about their preparation for the upcoming exam. This removes the confusion of the students about the paper patterns and the students feel much more confident and comfortable in their actual exam.

Most Recommended Past Papers

The Read and Write Publication’s solved past papers are the most recommended by many of the senior CAIE teachers. As these solved past papers are compiled by the very senior and experienced teachers to let students score the maximum marks in exams. These solved past papers not only help for good marks but actually provides better understanding about the concepts of each subject. These also highlight the importance of different topics from the exam point of view.

It is always considered a good practice to revise from the Past Papers after preparing from the books. An average student may pass the exams by only doing the past papers. This is how helpful the solved past papers are as most of the questions in exams are repeated from the previous exams. Only the context or the statement vary. Whereas passing is not the only thing especially for the intelligent students. But the intelligent students can also get maximum advantage from these past papers.

Objective of providing Past Papers

The main objective of providing the solved past papers is to help the students understand the exams patterns and the types of questions asked in the exams. Students learn how to answer particular questions properly to score maximum marks. From the huge syllabus, even after preparation students remain confused about what questions would be asked in exams. This is where the past papers help. Especially these papers help the weak students most.


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